![]() Hope you all had a Merry Christmas celebrating Jesus' birth! We enjoyed both of our families and we are so thankful to have everyone healthy and happy!
![]() In honor of Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty, I enjoyed the privilege taking my boys hunting over the break. Following God's plan results in many blessings. We enjoyed a beautiful day and numerous flights of waterfowl!! ![]() This pic is from my church, Kirk of the Hills (please visit their site!!), and the word, Anticipated, is thread on nails. They do a great job of advertising each sermon series. We all remember the anticipation of Christmas morning to see how much Santa brings from our lists. We celebrated Christmas with both families here in Tulsa! We are still cleaning up after the fun at our house. Hope your Christmas was merry and bright! The reason for the season is Jesus, the greatest gift of all. ![]() Cyber was actually the subject of one of my original posts and now the subject has hit the headlines with the recent breach at Target. I was also talking with a customer the other day who received a call regarding his personal credit card after a recent Christmas gift purchase. Fortunately, the company had detected "odd" purchases and after a few questions assured my customer everything would be taken care of. As far as insurance, Target is liable for "notification" according to statutory requirements and is often estimated at $200 per record. You can see how quickly this expense can mount after an event like the one we've all been reading about!! Call today to discuss what coverage is right for your business. ![]() My high school coach in the news (click here). I enjoyed playing for him and he taught me a lot. Wish you the best coach!! ![]() Recently finished "First" which chronicles Rich Froning's Games' championship experiences and now reading this one by Dr. Kelly Starrett. Came across the mobility WOD website back in 2011 while in Afghanistan and quickly recognized KStarr as a "Wizard" which I and some fellow CrossFit instructors fondly nicknamed him. I rehabbed my left shoulder with his instruction and was so excited to see that he published this book. Will keep you posted!! Yesterday the new bed and desk I ordered from IKEA was delivered in the snow! I can't wait to put together Jack's new room. We finally took down the twin bunk beds he had since he was two. I guess they really do grow up. Mike has a lot of work to do as this bed and desk came unassembled with lots of pieces. I'm glad I don't have to put it together! Pictures to come...
![]() Last Monday I had the experience and pleasure of meeting one of Tulsa's famous, Marina Metevelis! She hosted my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, Roger Mason and I downtown through the Philtower, Kennedy Building, Atlas Building and Philcade. She is a wealth of knowledge (90 years of it) and lively as can be. She informed us that there was a huge flood in the tunnels 3 years ago in which they had to be redone. She offers here time and knowledge free of charge as community service to better educate Tulsans. If you haven't seen these beautiful art deco buildings full of gold and marble brought in from Europe, I highly recommend it. ![]() As we head into the winter months, you should be getting your assets ready for the cold weather and hazards associated. Blankets, food and checking the battery in your car are all a good idea. At home, clean gutters to prevent ice dams, remove hoses from outdoor spigots etc. Be aware that property policies-Home or Commercial-have very limited coverage for power outages caused by a natural disaster. This is especially true if the outage is off your premises and there is no direct physical damage to your property. In many cases, a generator may be your best peace of mind. If you have questions, contact me to discuss possible coverage options. |
December 2016